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Commitment to Child Safeguarding Statement

The Bishop of Sandhurst has established the Company, Catholic Education Sandhurst Limited, to assume the ownership and operation of fifty-one Catholic schools in the diocese and to be responsible for the operation of further schools that will be established by the Company. CESL is committed to strengthening the governance and leadership of Catholic education across its diverse regional and rural communities, spanning from the alpine mountains to the river plains.

CESL is committed to providing for the care, safety, and wellbeing of all children and young people within CESL schools. Grounded in the teachings and mission of Jesus Christ, CESL’s dedication to promoting the human person, in both material and spiritual needs, drives the organisation to create and maintain a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment where every child and young person is valued and protected.

CESL has a zero tolerance for child abuse and other harm and aims to provide a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for all where children and young people can flourish. The organisation prioritises the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people in decision-making, with particular attention to the most vulnerable, including Aboriginal children, those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, children with disabilities, those unable to live at home, international children and young people, and children and young people of diverse sexuality. This commitment compels CESL to continually develop and refine CESL policies, processes, and practices, ensuring they are informed by legislation, evidence, and the best interests of those that CESL serves.

In line with the Victorian Child Safe standards and National Catholic Safeguarding Standards, CESL is committed to empowering children and young people about their rights, encouraging them to participate in decisions affecting them. CESL is dedicated to listening to and valuing children and young people voices, addressing children and young people concerns with justice and care, and providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and maintain their personal safety.

CESL’s commitment extends to implementing rigorous risk management and employment practices. CESL will assess and mitigate risks to child safety, embedding transparent and effective policies across CESL. The organisation strives to uphold the highest standards in employing professional and competent staff, ensuring that all who work within CESL schools are dedicated to maintaining a safe environment for every child and young person.

Guided by the principles of synodality, as emphasised by Pope Francis, CESL commits to fostering a culture of deep listening, discernment, and courageous action. CESL relationships are characterised by warmth, respect, and a shared mission to serve the needs of children and young people, encouraging and challenging each other to live and work in unity. Through faith formation and religious education, CESL recognises that all children and young people are created in God’s likeness and have the capacity to be transformed by God’s gracious love in order that they may have life and have it to the full (John 10:10).

If you have a belief or suspicion that a child is being, or has been, subjected to any form of abuse you must contact the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (Child Protection).

Where you need guidance on making a report or have questions regarding child safety and wellbeing, contact one of the School’s Safeguarding Officers.

Whenever there are concerns that a child is in immediate danger, call the Police on 000.

Click below to read our policies in full

Child Safeguarding Policy

Child Friendly Child Safeguarding Policy

Child Safe Code of Conduct

Child Friendly Student Child Safeguarding Code of Conduct

Photography and Video Policy and Procedures

Appendix 3 - Procedures for Making a Complaint - School Level

Strategies to Embed a Culture of Child Safety

 Mandatory Reporting to Child Protection

Managing Your Initial Response to a Child Safety Incident or Concern

Child Safeguarding Complaints Management
